Coaching is a way to unlock your potential. It is a way to break through the knowledge and skill barriers that hold you back. For some, a coach is like a mirror that helps you see the things in yourself that you are not aware of. For others, it’s like a GPS – keeping you on course to your goals.

Either way – the top performing individuals in every field still make use of a coach to help them stay on top.

Several different coaching programs are available to meet the varying needs of our clients.

Purpose: Achieve your business goals and help you maximize effect while minimizing your effort – this could be coaching (skill training & development) or consulting (helping you solve a specific problem)CEO Coaching/Consulting
Level 1

  • Method: Meet’s once a month for 1 hour via telephone/online
    allowed 2 additional “impromptu” calls per month – up to 15 minutes in length
  • Access to restricted templates and resources
  • Price: $199/Month

Level 2

  • Method: Meet twice a month for 1 hour via telephone/online
  • Allowed 2 additional “impromptu” calls per month – up to 15 minutes in length
  • Access to Restricted templates and resources
  • Invitation to our weekly Gold Club Google+ Co-working hangout.
  • Price $399/month

Level 3

  • Method: Meet weekly for 1 hour via telephone/online
  • Allowed 4 additional “impromptu” calls per month – up to 15 minutes in length
  • Customized templates for your business
  • Invitation to our exclusive on-demand Platinum Club Google+ Co-working hangout.
  • Open invitation to any of our Mastermind Sessions (1x per weeek)
  • Price $999/Month